Demo Salesforce

Demo Kit Overview


Dolmen supports retailers in their transformation by making data and its exploitation accessible on a local scale, with the aim of developing sustainable proximity relationships.

Dolmen local marketing platform enables retailers to:
– collect consumer data through online and in-store animation devices
– synchronize local and central data
– activate consumer data on a local scale through targeted, personalized and personified digital communication campaigns
– supervise and pilot local marketing actions on a central scale
With Dolmen Connect, all the data collected is synchronized with Salesforce platform.

Local marketing campaigns are routed through Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

Getting ready to install

This guide has been created for SEs to install and setup Dolmen Connect app in order to do a demonstration highlighting the value proposition of Salesforce for different use cases.

Demo Video

One minute to discover the power of Domen Connect. With Dolmen Connect, make it possible to combine efficiently central and local marketing actions !

Dolmen Connect Demo Script

This demo offers an overview of the Dolmen local marketing platform. It shows how a local store manager can collect data about its customers. This data is synchronized with the Salesforce platform providing a single and unified view to the central marketing department.
The local store manager can easily create a personalized and targeted SMS campaign, in accordance with central strategy and guidelines.
Please note that before starting this demo you need to Install Dolmen Connect on your demo org and the Dolmen One mobile app on your smartphone (available on Apple Store and Google Play)

Dolmen Connect Demo Script

Step by step – Demo for Mass Market Retailer

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fleche bleue3

Collect the data

Synchronize your data

Activate your data

Step by step – Demo for Bank Insurance

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fleche bleue3

Collect the data

Synchronize your data

Activate your data